Recently I did a simple experiment : using an electronic stimulus pen (经络笔)costed about S$12 from , to stimulate various acupuncture points such as : 曲池穴,内关穴,合谷穴,肩井穴,太冲穴 and 列缺穴,each for 3 min duration on both left and right sides. Before and after each electronic impulse stimulation , I found that the 列缺穴 which is originally for releasing coughing could reduce the blood pressure best among the above points (even better than the 曲池穴) !For the 6 min (i.e. 3 min for each side) duration , the blood pressure could be lower by 10 mm(Hg) to 15 mm(Hg) > for instance : 140 to 130 or 126 (depending on the length of duration and individual situation) ! It seems that this amazing effect is so far not recorded in any acupuncture instruction book . It might be a new discovery I believe. (NB : the location of 《列缺》 is on the upper thumb-side of the wrist. Make sure you could feel the impulse throughout out your operation !)
Electronic Acupuncture Pen Meridian Energy Massager Pain Therapy