If you want to have your hair-cut (say once a month), you may spend at least $20 and 2 hours to dress up to-and-fro from the barber shop (may be more especially a few days before the Chinese new year). Did your have an idea to do a DIY hair-cut independently by yourself only within 5 mins. or less. You might think that it is an impossible mission. After watching my video, you would believe that it is 100% feasible ! At the beginning, if you have no confidence, you may hang a mirror in front of you to help you to cut the side-burns or hold another mirror with your left hand (if you use right hand to operate the electric hair-clipper) to help you to cut the back-bun. If you still have no confidence, then take one week holidays to try this at home. The hair would be growing back to cover any failure ! I have done my DIY hair-cut for the past 50 years, therefore I do not need any mirror, just sense the slope of my head to cut ! Bear in mind that you should use forehand holding (like playing table tennis) of the electric hair-clipper to cut the side-burns and backhand holding for cutting the back-bun ! If you could master this skill, you would not only save your time and money but your could cut your favorite unique hair style. Finally may I code a Chinese proverb to end this message, namely : “ 自古成功在 尝试 ” < meaning : No attempt, no success > !(NB : 40 years ago, when I was teaching in Singapore River Valley High School , I did demonstrate the above DIY haircut to 8 male teachers, but finally only one and only one teacher, namely :邓肇坚老师 could cut his hair independently by himself . In other words , so far I had only one disciple not in tai-ji but in hair cutting !)
Google+An impossible mission: 盲侠 DIY hair-cut