As the assault with a dagger by the assassin is coming down on my forehead , I use my right hand to ward-off his wrist (remember not to lose contact) at the same time use my left hand to support/grasp his elbow then turn/twist the fake ” water-melon ” (形似抱月)upside down ! Finally use 斜飞势 to throw him diagonally ! 近日(August , 2015) 新 闻中,得知在北京便利店前,发生凶徒持刀伤人事件,造成一死一伤!故请旅游者除了要记得买旅游保险外,最好上老夫的网站,学一两招:“ 空手对白刃” 之太极功夫,以防万一 ,至少可以避开第一刀!
Google+Taiji subdues a dagger by : 怀中抱月(二)+ 斜飞势