It seems that the table tennis balls used in 2014 world cup table tennis tournament had been changed from 40 mm to 40+mm. In other words: the “old” balls had been phased out internationally. Although we do not take part in world cup but it is good to use the new balls so as to adapt the new standard (situation) as soon as possible to update our skill. It is very common for people to resist the new things which they do not adapt so soon. Likewise, a lot of table tennis players complain that the new balls are more expensive, not lasting (i.e. easily being broken), a bit ” too heavy ” and not so elastic as the old one. I am only interested in the technical problems, namely ” too heavy ” and ” not so elastic “. By the help of “Tai-chi” principle I develop a very simple back-hand skill to solve these problems. Now let`s do a very simple experiment as follows : if you hold your bat vertically to block a coming ball with top-spin. You would see the ball flying up. If the coming ball is with back-spin, you would see the ball after being blocked going down to the net (边个唔知亚妈系女人?)If you are right-handed, now try to drag or rub the coming ball, no matter it is top-spin or back-spin, from your left ribs to your right hand side at your belt level horizontally. I think you are anxious to know where the returning ball would go ? It goes either straight or diagonally depending on your dragging force and angle. This back-hand side-spin dragging is easier to handle than Ma-Long`s side-spin twist(拧球)。
The principle is like Tai-chi-ward-off principle that your side-spin dragging does not go against the spinning of the coming ball (in other words the spinning of the coming ball does not produce any effect on your bat). At last, bear in mind the following tips : ” drag harder if the coming ball is fast, softer if the coming ball is slow ( e.g. servicing) !
正是:抛 砖 引玉,一招 “ 乌龙摆尾 ” , 或称 “ 横向拖拉 侧旋打法“,用的是臂力,远近台都适用,(异于马龙之 拧 球, 他用 的是腕力, 较适宜于不 出台的下旋 短球)。此招特点为 :以 不变应万变,缓拉可接 任何 旋 转的长短发球,劲拉成快刀 杀手,拉球的动作酷似太极之云手,有四两拨千斤之效,是削球手之 “新” 克星,较 旧式向上提拉省力多了(特别对较重之新球)!同时失誤也 比较 少,落球点亦刁钻 !老夫一向认为反手(比作咏春)较正手(比作长拳)灵活,反应快,动作幅度小,击来球时不须大幅度移动身躯,适用于近台,所以女球员应多用反手,用此招,更省力有效 ! 用此 “新” 招时,要记得下列心法,:“ 反手在腰间(身材较高者)画一道彩虹 ” (Use back-hand to draw a rainbow across the waist for taller player ) 或:反手在胸前(身材较矮者)写个“ 一 ” 字 (Use back-hand to write ” 一” in front of the chest for shorter player.)