Taiji subdues a dagger by : 带马归槽

In my video, I intercepted ( i.e.ward-off ) the intruding dagger-arm  then used wrist-coiling ( wrist-hook like 勾手  in ” single whip “) to lock then grip it. At that moment she might attack me with  another hand or leg.…
Taiji subdues a hook punch by : 弯弓射虎

If you have watched the video : ” Fang Bian vs Simon Marcus, Jan 2015, you would be surprised that a world ranked No.1 Muay Thai world champion could be KO so easily not by Mohamad Ali but by a title-less…
Taiji subdues a dagger by : 单鞭 (single whip )

The application of Tai-ji : single whip ( 单鞭)can be found in many videos on the net and even in the picture of 杨澄甫`s  tai-ji-album. But I am not quite convinced that no action involved in the right hand hook-wrist…
Taiji`s neutralization & coiling (太极缠丝手)

In Taiji, we do not encourage the use of brutal force to counter or go against the intruding force. If we could use comparatively  little force to change the direction of the coming force, this skill is called tai-ji neutralization.…