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交臂盘龙掌接招:以左前臂截对手之右拳,趁稍停顿,用已交叉之右掌擒对手之右前臂,稍下按,即时左掌伸指,贴着右手背,向前标出!(like air-craft takes off from the runway !)
交臂盘龙掌之  :乌龙摆尾(circular strike)

以交臂盘龙掌接招:Cross both hands, at the same time use my left forehand to ward off the intruding right punch, then immediately strike his right arm-pit (the most delicate tissue of the body even could not be protected by chi-gong !) or…

I can assure you that everyone could learn and even master this Taiji skill in minutes so as to fulfill the Taiji principle of : ” Use four ounces to deflect a thousand pounds (四两拨千斤). ” In other words a…
黄家太极(散手):搬拦槌 + 双推 掌+ 收式

  如果你练太极只为自卫,其实不用学全套108,42, 24, ………..式太极拳, 只要熟练心仪的几招散手, 就足以应付一般的袭击,因为街头打斗,历时不过几十秒钟(有异于擂台赛),两三招重复使用(例如:搂臂冲拳,弯弓射虎,搬拦槌),则应付有余!Note: In 搬拦槌, the right punch should be synchronized with the left wrest-coiling which comprises wrist-locking and wrist-dragging(rather sophisticated !)

一般人对太极拳的认知,有以下的误区:(a) 太极可减肥吗 ?答:不但不可减肥,有时反而增肥,因为练了太极,胃口特好多吃,不就肥了!君不见太极大师杨澄甫有多胖?!  (b)练太极一定长寿? 答:不一定,太极大师杨班侯活不到六十 ! (c)练太极可去百病? 答:不一定:太极大师黄性贤也患糖尿病。(d) 太极推手可实战吗? 答:面对快拳进攻,要用缠丝手化之,然后连消带打反击,听劲,擒拿….可能用不上,除非纠缠在一起! 总之,要健康长寿除了练太极外,还要注意饮食,戒烟酒,少 摄取糖,油和盐。其实太极是动气功,开合要配 合呼吸(一般:开为呼,收为吸)和提肛(要求很高)。如果只求运动,不如打乒乓更有趣 !打乒乓除了四肢和眼球运动外,还训练你的判断力(如要判断来球是上旋,下旋或侧旋)和步法,是一种负重带氧 运动,比游泳更棒 !