If you watch the competition of TKD, you would find all the competitors kicking each other all the time and never punch at all. By nature they may think that leg is longer than hand and babies started kicking very early in the wombs of their mothers. They do not realize that once they lift up one leg to kick, that moment is the most vulnerable time to be attacked because they could not be able to move with only one leg on the ground. I developed this movement in tai-ji : 转身靠打 (meaning: turn around, lean or strike) so as to eliminate the advantage of the leg being longer (likewise the pole being longer, i.e. the pole symbolizes the kicking leg ) and the disadvantage the punch being shorter (likewise the elbow strike being shorter) ! 当你被高踢时,不宜退避,因为退避后就失去及时还击的机会,而且还会被 “乌龙摆 尾” 和 “ 李三脚 ” 连续追踢,不如用前臂,劈其踢腿之胫骨后,即时用 “ 转身靠打 ” 一招 ,埋身(i)肘顶 (ii)身靠 ,或 (iii)鞭 槌 还击,对手单脚站立,无从躲避,必然中招!万试万灵,从未失手!
Google+Turn around, lean or strike(转身靠打) to subdue long pole/H/M kick
![Turn around, lean or strike(转身靠打) to subdue long pole/H/M kick](http://wonghohnkhew.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/polefight1.jpg)